• 5 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jan 09, 2023

Is tensor a function or mutidimensional array?
A tensor is not a function in the traditional sense of mathematics. In mathematics, a function typically maps one set of values to another set of values A tensor is a more general mathematical object that can be thought of as a multi-dimensional array of numbers, which can be used to represent a wide variety of mathematical objects, such as scalars, vectors, matrices, and higher-dimensional arrays. In deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch, you can use tensor operation function that can be applied to tensors, those operation functions are not tensors themselves, but instead are like regular functions that can operate on tensors in various ways like element wise addition, matrix multiplication or applying mathematical operations on tensors.

On Friday 21st October, the world witnessed the largest cyber-attack in history. The attack set a new precedent for the size, scale, and potential threat of cyber-attacks; it used the Mirai botnet to corrupt IoT (Internet of Things) devices and repurpose them to conduct a massive coordinated DDoS attack. The attack was registered at a massive 1.2Tbps, and, rather worryingly, there has been speculation that the hackers could have used up 5 times as many devices. Many people have been quick to declare this as the beginning of a new era in cyber-crime, and Elon Musk has speculated that it is “only a matter of time before AI is used to do this”. But how at risk are we?

On Friday 21st October, the world witnessed the largest cyber-attack in history. The attack set a new precedent for the size, scale, and potential threat of cyber-attacks; it used the Mirai botnet to corrupt IoT (Internet of Things) devices and repurpose them to conduct a massive coordinated DDoS attack. The attack was registered at a massive 1.2Tbps, and, rather worryingly, there has been speculation that the hackers could have used up 5 times as many devices. Many people have been quick to declare this as the beginning of a new era in cyber-crime, and Elon Musk has speculated that it is “only a matter of time before AI is used to do this”. But how at risk are we?